[Verse 1]
E5 If you're fee ling down de pressed and D5lonely
E5 I know a place where we can D5go
C5 Twentytwo Acacia AE5venue
C5 Meet a laD5dy that I knoE5ooow
C5 So if you're looD5king for a goodE5 time
C5 And you're pre paredD5 to pay the price E5
C5 Fif teen D5quid is all she asksE5 for
C5 Every D5body's got their vice E5
[Verse 2]
E5 If you're wai ting for a D5long time
E5 For the rest to do their D5piece
C5 You can tell her that you knowE5 me
C5 You might eD5ven get it freeE5 ee ee.
C5 So a ny timeD5 you're down the "EastE5 End"
C5 Don't you D5he si tate to go E5
C5 You can D5take my ho nest wordE5 for it
C5 She'll teach you moreD5 than you can knowE5 (Know Know Know)
[Verse 3]
E5Charlotte can't you get out from all this madness
Can't you see it only brings you sadness
C5When you entertain your men
Don't you know the risk of getting diE5sease
Some day when you're reaching the age of forty
I bet you'll regret the days when you were laying
C5Nobody then will want to know
You won't have a ny more beau ti ful wares to E5show anymore
C5 Twenty D5two,B5 The Avenue C5
C5 That's the placeD5 where we all go E5
C5 You will D5findB5 it's warm in side C5
The C5red light's D5burning E5bright to night
[Verse 4]
E5Charlotte isn't it time you stopped this mad life
Don't you e ver think about the bad times
C5Why do you have to live this way
Do you enjoy your lay or is it the E5pay
Sometimes when your strolling down The Avenue
The way you walk it make men think of having you
C5When you're walking down the street
Everybody stops and turns E5to stare at you
C5 Twenty D5two,B5 The Avenue C5
C5 That's the placeD5 where we all go E5
C5 You will D5findB5 it's warm in side D5
The C5red light's D5burning B5bright to night
[Verse 5]
E5Beat Her... Mis treat Her...
Do a ny thing that you please
Bite Her... Ex cite Her...
Make Her get down on Her knee ee ees
A buse Her... Misuse Her...
She can take all that you've got
Caress Her... Mo lest Her...
She always does what you waa ant
[Solo 1]
E5 D5 C5 E5
D5 C5 E5 D5
C5 E5 D5 C5
E5 D5 C5 D5 E5
[Verse 5]
E5 You're run ning a way
Don't you know what you're doing
D5 Can't you see it 'll lead you to ruin
C5Charlotte you've ta ken your D5life
And you've thrown it a E5way
E5 You be lieve that
Be cause what you're earning
D5 Your life's good don't you know that it's hurting
C5 All the people that D5love you
Don't cast them a E5side
E5 All the men that are con stantly drooling
D5 It's no life for you
Stop all that screwing
C5 You're packing your D5bags...
You're coming with E5me.
[Solo 2]
E5 D5 C5 D5 E5
E5 D5 C5 D5 E5
E5 D5 C5 D5 E5
E5 D5 C5
C5 E5