E5 G5 C#5 B5
E5 G5 C#5
B5 G5
[Verse 1]
E5Ly ing a wake at night I C#5wipe the sweat from my brow
But it's not the D5fe ar 'cause
I'd ra ther go B5now
E5Try ing to vi sua lize the C#5ho rrors that will lay a head
The de sert sand D5mo und a bu ri al B5ground
When z C5it comes to theDb5 time
Are Bb5we par tners in C5cri me?
When it comes to the Db5time
We'll Bb5be rea dy C5to di E5ie
[Verse 2]
God let us go now C#5and fi nish what's to be done
Thy King D5dom Co me
Thy shall B5be done... on E5earth
Try ing to jus ti fy to C#5our se elves the rea sons to go
Should we live and D5let li ve
For get or B5for give
C5But how can Db5we let Bb5them go on C5this wa ay?
C5The reign Db5of te rror Bb5co rrup tion C5must end
And C5we know Db5deep down Bb5there's no o C5ther wa ay
C5No trust, Db5no rea so Bb5ning, no more C5to
[Theme 1]
F#5 D5 E5 D5 E5 F#5 D5 E5 B5 C#5
F#5 D5 E5 D5 E5 F#5 D5 E5 B5 C#5
F#5 D5 E5 D5 E5 F#5 D5 E5 B5 C#5
F#5 D5
E5 say
D5Afraid to E5shoot stranF#5gers D5 E5
B5Afraid to C#5shoot stranF#5gers D5 E5 D5 E5 F#5 D5 E5 B5 C#5
E5 D5 C5 E5 D5 C5
D5 A5 B5 E5 D5 C5
[Solo 1]
E5 E5 D5 C5 E5 D5 C5
D5 A5 B5 E5 D5 C5
[Theme 2]
E5 C5 D5 E5 E5
C5 D5 E5 A5 F5 G5
A5 E5 C5 D5 E5
D5A__E5_fraid D5Afraid E5to A5shoot G5stran gers
D5AfraE5 id D5Afraid E5to A5shoot G5stran gers
C5A__D5_fraid C5Afraid D5to A5shoot G5stran gers
D5AfraidE5 D5Afraid E5to A5shoot G5stran gers
D5A__E5_fraid D5Afraid E5to A5shoot G5stran gers
D5AfraidE5 D5Afraid E5to A5shoot G5stran gers
C5A__D5_fraid C5Afraid D5to A5shoot G5stran gers
D5AfraidE5 D5Afraid E5to A5shoot G5stran
[Solo 2]
E5 D5 C5 E5 D5 C5
D5 A5 B5 E5 D5 C5
[Theme 3]
F#5 D5 E5 D5 E5 F#5 D5 E5 B5 C5
F#5 D5 E5 D5 E5 F#5 D5 E5 B5 C5
F#5 D5 E5 D5 E5 F#5 D5 E5 B5 C5
F#5 D5
E5 gers
D5Afraid to E5shoot stranF#5gers D5 E5
B5Afraid to C5shoot stranF#5gers D5 E5
D5Afraid to E5shoot stranF#5gers D5 E5
B5Afraid to C5shoot stranF#5gers