[Verse 1]
I woke up oG/Bne morDning
All my fingers rotten
I woke up a dying man withAout a Dchance
[Verse 2]
I came to yourG/B winDdow
Threw a stone andG/B waiDted
At the door a
stranger stood
The Astranger Dvoice
Said nothing good
IA turned to walk
TheG/B frozen Dground
All the way hoDoome
Wideeyed G/BwalkDer
Do not G/BwandDer
Do not G/BwandDer
Through the Adawn D
[Verse 3]
Both my eyes aG/Bre faDding
No light in thG/Be eveDning
Planted like a G/Bseed in Dsand and Adrowned in Drain
[Verse 4]
Watch you for aG/Bn hoDur
He kept you beG/Bneath Dhim
He kept you on G/Block and Dkey
He Apaid the Dwage yG/Bou sent to Dme
AAnd waste Dthe dG/Bay so idly DaloG/Bne
All Dthe way home
Wideeyed G/Bwalker
Do not G/BwandDer
Do not G/BwandDer
Through the Adawn
DWideeyed G/Bwalker
Do not G/BwandDer
Do not G/Bwander
Through the Adawn D D