[Pre-Verse 1]
Ab Db/Ab
Ab Db/Ab
[Verse 1]
Ab I think i've sudDb/Abdenly
Gotten oAbver it
Db/Ab Ab No thanks to you Db/Ab
And your aAbdorable face
Db/Ab Ab I think i'll laughDb/Ab about this
AbFour or five years from now Db/Ab Ab
I think i've Db/Absuddenly
Gotten Abover it someDb/Abhow Ab
Db/Ab Ab Db/Ab
BesiAbdes you're Db/Abfar too tall for Abme Db/Ab
BesiAbdes your Db/Abvoice is not quite Abdeep enoDb/Abugh
BesiAbdes you Db/Abknock me off my Abfeet andDb/Ab oh ou
I Abwould rather be carried thanDb/Ab tripped and
I Abwould rather be loved than have Db/Abmy heart ripped oAbpen
[Pre-Verse 2]
Db/Ab Ab Db/Ab
[Verse 2]
I think i'll Db/Abliberate
The AbmasDb/Abses
Tell them you're Db/Abnot worth
All Abthe trouble you cause Db/Ab Ab
Pretend you Db/Abmiss me oh
AbPretend you know what this is aDb/Abbout
I think i'll Db/Abliberate
The Abmasses so watchDb/Ab out
BesiAbdes you're Db/Abfar too tall for Abme Db/Ab
BesiAbdes your Db/Abvoice is not quite Abdeep enoDb/Abugh
BesiAbdes you Db/Abknock me off my Abfeet andDb/Ab oh ou
I Abwould rather be carried thanDb/Ab tripped and
I Abwould rather be loved than have Db/Abmy heart ripped open
BesiAb__dDb/Abes__ you can't eAbvenDb/Ab sing
BeAbsides it Db/Abbothers me you Abread so slow Db/Ab
BeAbsides you're Db/Abeverybody's Abdream andDb/Ab oh ou
I Abwould rather my dream be Db/Abjust mine and
I Abwould rather have someone who Db/Abcan
Be mine onAbly
Db/Ab Ab Db/Ab
BesiAbdes you're Db/Abfar too tall AbforDb/Ab me
BesiAbdes your Db/Abvoice is not quite Abdeep eDb/Abnough
BesiAbdes Db/Abyou knock me off Abmy feetDb/Ab oh ou
I Abwould rather be carried thanDb/Ab tripped and
I Abwould rather be loved than have Db/Abmy heart ripped oAbpen
Db/Ab Ab Db/Ab Ab
Db/Ab Ab Db/Ab