[Verse 1]
Gm7 Drink up, baby, D#6add9stay up all night
With the A#things you could do, you woF6/An't but you might
[Verse 2]
The potenGm7tial you'll be that youD#6add9'll never see
The A#promises D7you'll only maD#ke
[Verse 3]
Drink Gm7up with me now and forgeD#6add9t all about
The A#pressure of days, F6/Ado what I say
[Verse 4]
And I'll maGm7ke you okay and D#6add9drive them away
The A#images D7stuck in your D#head
D#PeoF6ple A#6/Abyou've been A#/Abefore A#/Cthat you A#/D
D#m6/F#Don't F6want aroGm/Eund anymore
That D#push and F6shove and won't A#6/Abbend to yourA#/A will A#/C A#/D
D# I'll keep them D#mstill
[Verse 5]
Gm7 Drink up, baby, D#6add9look at the stars
I'll kiA#ss you again, F6/Abetween the bars
[Verse 6]
Where I'm Gm7seeing you there, with your hanD#6add9ds in the air
A#Waiting to D7finally be D#caught
[Verse 7]
Drink uGm7p one more time and I'D#6add9ll make you mine
A#Keep you apart, F6/Adeep in my heart
[Verse 8]
SeparaGm7te from the rest, where I liD#6add9ke you the best
And A#keep the thiD7ngs you forgoD#t
D#PeoF6ple A#6/Abyou've been A#/Abefore A#/Cthat you A#/D
D#m6/F#Don't F6want arouGm/End anymore
That D#push and F6shove and won't A#6/Abbend to yourA#/A will A#/C A#/D
D# I'll keep them stD#mill