E5 G5 E5 G5
E5 G5 E5 G5
E5 G5
G5 ResE5pect.
[Verse 1]
ResG5pect what is found.
ResE5pect should abound.
ResG5pect every thing that you E5leave.
G5I can't believe. E5 G5
B5 D5 B5
D5Can't believe.
B5 D5 B5 D5Can't beE5lieve.
G5 E5 G5
E5 G5 E5
[Verse 2]
G5 And E5I, G5I can't believe.
E5I can't believe all this
G5travesty surrounding E5me.
G5I want to flee.
E5I want to flee from evG5ery thing in front of me.
B5I, D5 B5 D5can't beB5lieve.
D5 B5 D5Can't beE5lieve.
G5 E5 G5 E5
G5 E5
G5 Never aE5gain.
[Verse 3]
G5Trusted in you.
E5Fuck every thing that you
G5think I should be, I E5stand
G5never again.
E5Never again. G5
B5 D5 Can't believe.
B5 D5Can't beB5lieve.
D5 B5 D5Can't beB5lieve.
D5 Can't believe.
B5 D5Can't beB5lieve.
D5 B5 D5