E5 G5 F5 E5 E5 G5 F5 E5
E5 G5 F5 E5 E5 G5 F5 E5
E5 G5 F5 E5 E5 G5 F5 E5
E5 G5 F5 E5 E5 G5 F5 E5
[Verse 1]
E5Sitting in theG5 dark, I F5can't forE5get.
E5Even now, G5I realizF5e the E5time I'll never get.
E5 AnotherG5 story F5of the E5bitter pills of fate.
E5 I can't G5go back agaF5in.E5 I can't go back again...
But E5you asked me G5to love you and F5I dE5id.
E5Traded my G5emotions F5for a E5contract to commit
E5 And when IG5 got awaF5y, I E5only got so far.
E5 The oG5ther me is F5dead.
E5 I hear his voice inside mE5y head... B5
F5We were never aliE5ve,B5 and we won'tF5 be born agaE5in. B5
F5 But I'll never surviE5ve B5with dead meF5mories in my hE5ea G5rt. B5
Dead A5memories in my hE5ea G5rt. D5 C#5
Dead C5memories B5in my E5heaG5rt. F5
E5 E5 G5 F5 E5
[Verse 2]
E5You told me G5to love you and F5I dE5id.
E5Tied my soul G5into a knF5ot and E5got me to submit.
E5 So when G5I got awaF5y, I E5only kept my scars.
E5 The oG5ther me is F5gone.
E5 Now I don't know where I beE5long... B5
F5And We were never aliE5ve,B5 and we won'tF5 be born agaE5in. B5
F5 But I'll never surviE5ve B5with dead meF5mories in my hE5ea G5rt. B5
Dead A5memories in my hE5ea G5rt D5 C#5
Dead C5memories B5in my hE5ea G5rt B5
Dead A5memories in my hE5ea G5rt D5 C#5 C5 B5
E5 G5 F5 E5 E5 G5 F5 E5
E5 G5 F5 E5
E5 B5 F5 E5 B5 F5
E5 B5 F5 E5 B5 F5
E5 G5
B5 Dead A5visions in your naE5me.
G5 B5 Dead A5fingers in my veE5ins.
G5 B5 Dead A5memories in my hE5ea G5rt B5
Dead A5memories in my hE5ea G5rt D5 C#5
Dead C5memories B5in my hE5ea G5rt B5
Dead A5memories in my hE5ea G5r tD5 C#5 C5 B5
[Outro - Solo]
E5 G5 B5 A5
E5 G5 D5 C#5 C5 B5