[Verse 1]
F It's Cbeen a Gdifficult Cyear
F Slack Ctime gone Gwasted
F It's Cjust been a Gdifficult Cyear
And I Fwish we'd beenC toGgetherC to Gface it
F Some Cdays it Gseems okay C
Got someF good Cfriends aroundG me
F But I'm still Cscared of Glosing my Chead
I guess Fthere's just somethingC GselfishC AboutG me
A dozen Fmonths go Cby
As you Gwait for a Csign
For the Fsky to Cboil
Above a Gsea of wine
For some Froad to Cgrow
BeforeG your Ceyes
For some Fact ofC God G
CTo set Fyou right
[Verse 2]
F I've Chad a Glittle bad Cluck
Well,F it's mostlyC my own Gmaking
F I thought CI had Git all sewn Cup
But I Fwas soC badlyG C mistaken G
A dozen Fmonths go Cby
As you Gwait for a Csign
For the Fsky to Cboil
Above a Amsea of Fwine
For some Froad to Cgrow
BeforeG your Ceyes
For some FguidingC star G
CTo shine Fher light
[Verse 3]
C F Is Fit too Glate to Cfind someoneF to
FShield you Gwhen your Cnerves are Fraw?
Just Fsay and Gsing it Clike you Fmean it
I Fneed you Gnow Cand forevermore F
Yeah, is Fit too Glate to Cfind someoneF to
FShield you Gwhen your Cnerves are Fraw?
Just Fsay and Gscream it Clike you Fmean it
I Fneed you Gnow Cand forevermore F
Yeah, I Fneed you Gnow Cand forevermore F
F It's Cbeen a Gdifficult Cyear
I just Fwish we'd beenC togetherG C to Gface it