F C G Do you reCmember when we first met?
[Verse 1]
GI sure do, it was some Ftime in early SepCtember G
You were laCzy about it, you made me Gwait around
I was so Fcrazy about you I didn'tC mind G
So I was Clate for class, I locked my Gbike to yours
It wasn't Fhard to find, you painted Cflowers on Git
I guess that CI was afraid that if you Grolled away
You might not Froll back my direction real soon
C G Well I was Gcrazy about you then and now
The craziest thing of all is over Fmaj7ten years Emhave gone by Dm
And you're still mine, we're locked in time
Let's reGwind F
[Verse 2]
Em F Em Do you reCmember when we first moved Gin together?
The piFano took up the living Croom G
You played me Cboogiewoogie I played Gyou love songs
You'd say we're Fplaying house now you Cstill say we are G
We built our Cgetaway up in a Gtree we found
We felt so Ffar away but we were Cstill in town G
Now I reCmember watching that old Gtree burn down
I took a Fpicture that I don't like Cto look at G
Well Gall these times they come and go
And alone don't seem so long
Over Fmaj7ten years Emhave gone by Dm
We can't rewind, we're locked in time
But you're Gstill mine F
Em F Em Do you reCmember?