[Verse 1]
E5 G5 A5 E5 G5 A5 You E5don't want toG5 A5share with E5anyG5one A5else
You E5got allG5 the A5money, you E5got allG5 the A5wealth
You E5got allG5 the A5buildings and the E5facG5torA5ies
You E5got allG5 the A5power and the E5cereG5monA5ies
[Verse 2]
A5 A#5 F5 C5 A5 A#5 F5 C5 You E5wanG5na A5play a game of E5catG5 and A5mouse
With the E5PreG5sidA5ent E5in theG5 White A5House
This is a E5hunG5gry A5world, there are E5monthsG5 to A5feed
There are E5milG5lioA5naires with E5more thanG5 they A5need
A5 A#5 F5 C5 A5 A#5 F5 C5
B5Eat G5that A5rat
B5Eat G5that A5rat
B5Eat G5that A5rat
B5Eat G5that A5rat
E5 C5 D5 E5 C5 D5
D5 C5 D5 C5
[Verse 3]
E5Don'tG5 beA5lieve E5what you'veG5 been A5told
You E5can't changeG5 a A5turd E5intG5o gA5old
E5SomehowG5 we A5get all these E5creeps inG5 conA5trol
It E5makes meG5 throw A5up in the E5toiG5let A5bowl
[Verse 4]
A5 A#5 F5 C5 A5 A#5 F5 C5 You E5thieG5ving A5whore, you E5hustleG5 for A5bucks
You E5takeG5 the A5money and you E5shootG5 it A5up
E5That'sG5 the A5breaks, it's the E5chanceG5 you A5take
E5Get itG5 toA5gether for your E5chilG5dren's A5sake
A5 A#5 F5 C5 A5 A#5 F5 C5
B5Eat G5that A5rat
B5Eat G5that A5rat
B5Eat G5that A5rat
B5Eat G5that A5rat
E5 C5 D5 E5 C5 D5 E5 G5 A5 E5 G5 A5
E5 G5 A5 E5 G5 A5