This in audible A#5/Fvoice
[Verse 1]
has flattered my ears
An unreal sound of distress
a sensation that aroused my being
This moment was all yours but
[Verse 2]
A#5/F F5 E5 D5 E5 C#5 A#5/F
F5the E5pleaD5sure E5was F5all mine
F5All E5the D5weiE5_ghC#5t A#5/F
F5I've E5been D5carE5ryiC#5ng A#5/F
F5VanE5ishD5ed E5for C#5a A#5/Fva___lF5uabE5le D5insE5tant C#5 A#5/F
F5 E5 D5 E5oneC#5 A#5/Fday whenF5 E5 D5 A#5/Fthis curtain will fall
F5 E5 D5 E5 C#5 A#5/F F5 E5 D5 E5 A#5 F5
[Verse 3]
C#5Your eyes silently
scream astonishing grief
Adim C#5The satisfaction I devour is not retribution
Your sorrow's my devotion
[Verse 4]
F#5 F5 C#5 F#5I'll be rewarded with your F5degradation C#5
F#5 Nourished by bitter F5passions C#5
F#5My hunger for human
DepF5rivation will C#5be C#5quenched
[Verse 5]
No retribution
Your sorrow's my devotion
Adim Adim A furtive monoC#5logue
[Verse 6]
F5 E5 F5 A5/E F5 E5 F5 B5 F5 E5 F5 A5/E
F5ThisE5 C#5is D5 F5unsE5poiF5led A5/Eo____F5_puE5s
F5wasn't B5meantF5 E5to F5perA5/Esist F5eterE5nalC#5ly D5
F5 E5Masks and F5disA5/Egui_sF5es E5retF5urned B5
to F5their E5relF5evaA5/Ent clF5o__E5setC#5s D5
[Verse 7]
F5ThisE5 F5 A5/E F5 E5 F5you B5thatsF5 E5the thiF5atiA5/Ecal F5masE5querade C#5 D5
F5 E5Will F5be A5/Elead F5 E5to F5its B5irrF5evoE5cable F5endA5/Eing
F5 E5 C#5 D5
[Verse 8]
A#5/F F5 E5 D5
E5OneC#5 A#5/Fday orF5 E5 D5 A#5/Fanother
F5 E5 D5 E5OneC#5 A#5/Fday whenF5 E5 D5 A#5/Fthis curtain will fall
F5 E5 D5 E5OneC#5 A#5/Fday whenF5 E5 D5 A#5/Fthis curtain will fall
F5Masks E5will D5be E5shatC#5tered A#5/F
F5 E5 D5 E5