[Verse 1]
A We took this Gtrip to Garden Grove
A It Gsmelled like Loudog inside the Avan, oh Gyeah
AThis ain't no funky reggaeBm party, five dollars at the door
A It gets so Greal someAtimes who Gwrote my Arhyme
I've Ggot the microwave,A got the GVCR
A I Ggot the deuceAdeuce in the Gtrunk of my Acar, oh Gyeah
If Ayou only Gknew all the Alove that I found G
It's Ahard to Gkeep my Asoul on the Gground
[Verse 2]
You're a Afool, don't Gfuck around with my Adog
GAll that I can see I Asteal, I Gfill up my garAage
Cause Gin my mind
AMusic from JaGmaica, all the Alove that I found G
Pull Aover there's a Greason why my Asoul's unsound G
It's Ayou
[Verse 3]
It's that Gshit stuck under my Ashoe
It's that Gsmell inside the van
A It's my Gbed sheet covered with Asand
Sitting Gthrough a shitty Aband
Getting Gdog shit on my Ahands
Getting Ghassled by the Aman
Waking Gup to an aAlarm
Sticking Gneedles in your Aarm
Picking up Gtrash on a freeAway
Feeling deGpressed everyAday
Leaving withGout making a Asound
Picking my Gdog up at the Apound
Living Gin a tweaker Apad
Getting Gyelled at by my Adad
Saying I'm Ghappy when I'm Anot
Finding roaches in the Apot
A All these Gthings I do A G
A They're Gwaiting for Ayou. G
Am G AmMamamamamaGmadness
Am G AmMamamamamaGmadness
Am G MaAmmaohmaohGmadness
Am G Am MamaohGmadness
Am G Am MamaGmadness
Am G AmMadnessG madness
Am G Madness
Am G AmMadnessG madness
Am G Am MaohmaohGmadness
Am G Am MaGmadness
Am G AmMadnessG madness
Am G Am Maadness Gwamamadness
Am G Am MaGma Am G Am G Am G Am G Am G Am G Am G
Am G Am G Am G Am G
[Fade Out]
Am G Am G Am G Am G