E E/F#
E/A F#m
[Verse 1]
E When I E/F#made up my mind E/A
And my F#mheart along with that E
To E/F#live not for myselfE/A But yet for God, F#m
somebody saidE Do you E/F#
know what youE/A are getting yourF#mself into E E/F# E/A F#m
[Verse 2]
E When I E/F#finally ironed outE/A All of my F#m
prioritiesE And asked God E/F#
to remove the doubt E/A
That makes me F#mso unsure of these E
Things I E/F#ask myself,E/A I askF#m myself
E Do youE/F# know what youE/A are getting yourF#mself into E
I'm getting into you Badd11/E
Because you got to me,F#m7add11 in a way words can'tAsus2 describe
E I'm getting into you Badd11/E
Because I've got to be F#m7add11
You're essential to Asus2survive
I'm going to love you with myE life E/F# E/A F#m
E E/F# E/A F#m
[Verse 3]
E When he E/F#looked at me and said E/A
I kind of F#mview you as a son E
And for a E/F#second our eyes met E/A
And I met F#mthat with a questionE Do you E/F#
know what youE/A are getting yourF#mself into E
I'm getting into you Badd11/E
Because you got to me,F#m7add11 in a way words can't describe Asus2
E I'm getting into you Badd11/E
Because I've got to be F#m7add11
You're essential to surAsus2vive
I'm going to love you with my C#mlife I've been a li B
ar and I'll Anever amount Eto
C#m The kind of Bperson you deAserve to worship Eyou
C#m You say you will not dwellB on what I did but Arather what I Edo you say
E I love you E/F#and that's what youE/A are getting yourF#mself into E
I'm getting into you Badd11/E
Because you got to me,F#m7add11 in a way words can't describe Asus2
E I'm getting into you Badd11/E
Because I've got to be F#m7add11
You're essential to surAsus2vive
I'm going to love you with my Elife
I'm getting into you Badd11/E
Because you got to me,F#m7add11 in a way words can't describe Asus2 E
I'm getting into you Badd11/E
Because I've got to be F#m7add11
You're essential to surAsus2vive
I'm going to love you with myE life E/F# E/A F#m
He said,E I love you E/F#and that's what youE/A are getting yourF#mself into E