[Verse 1]
C The only girl I've eGver loved
C Was born with roses in Gher eyes
C But then they buried her aGlive
One evening Dninghty fourtyCfive
With just her Dsister at her Gside
And only Dweeks before the Cguns
All came and Drained on everyGone
Now she's a Dlittle boy in Spain C
Playing piaDnos filled with Gflames On empty rings D
around the sunC All sing to say D
my dream hasC come G
But now we must Cpick up everyG piece
Of the Clife we used toG love
Just to Ckeep ourselves
At Gleast enough to carryD on
[Verse 2]
C And now we ride the cirGcus wheel
C With your dark brother wrapped Gin white
C Says it was good to be aGlive
But now he Drides a comet's Cflame
And won't be Dcoming back aGgain
The Earth looks Dbetter from a Cstar
That's right aDbove from where you Gare
He didn't Dmean to make you cryC With sparks that ring D
and bullets Gfly On empty rings D
around your heartC The world just screams D
and falls aCpart G
But now we must Cpick up everyG piece
Of the Clife we used toG love
Just to Ckeep ourselves
At Gleast enough to carryD on
And Ghere's where yourC mother sleeps G
And here is the Croom where your brothers wereG born
IndentationsC in the sheets G
Where their bodies once Cmoved but don't move anyDmore
[Outro 1]
And it's soC sad to Gsee the Cworld agGree
That they'd Crather see their faGces fill with flies D
GAll when I'd Cwant to Gkeep white Droses in their Geyes
[Outro 2]