Am G C F
C You'll Amhave to exGcuse me, I'm Cnot at my Fbest
I've been Cgone for a month,G I've been Fdrunk Csince GI Cleft
These Amso called vaGcations will Csoon be my Fdeath
I'm so Csick from the drinkG I need Fhome Cfor Ga Crest
[Verse 1]
We arAmrived in DeGcember and CLondon was Fcold
We Cstayed in the barsG along FCharing Cross Road
We Amnever saw Gnothing but Cbrass taps and Foak
Kept a Cshine on the barG with the Fsleeves of our Gcoats
You'll Ghave to excuse me, I'm Cnot at my Gbest
I've been Cgone for a week F
I've been Gdrunk since I left
And these so called vacations
Will Csoon be my Gdeath
I'm so Csick from the Fdrink
I need Ghome for a Frest
Take me Amhome Dm
G Em Am Dm G Em
[Verse 2]
Am Euston GStation the Ctrain journey FNorth
CIn the buffet Gcar we Flurched back and forth
Past Amold crooked Gdykes through CYorkshire's green Ffields
We were Cflung into Gdance as the Ftrain jigged and Greeled
You'll Ghave to excuse me, I'm Cnot at my Gbest
I've been Cgone for a week F
I've been Gdrunk since I left
And these socalled vacations
Will Csoon be my Gdeath
I'm so Csick from the Fdrink
I need Ghome for a Frest
Take me Amhome F
G Dm Am F G Am Dm
G Em Am Dm G
[Verse 3]
Em By the Amlight of the moon,G she'd Cdrift through the Fstreets
A Crare old perGfume, so seFductive and sweet
She'd Amtease us and Gflirt, as the Cpubs all closed Fdown
Then Cwalk us on Ghome and deFny us a Ground
You'll Ghave to excuse me, I'm Cnot at my Gbest
I've been Cgone for a month F
I've been Gdrunk since I left
And these so called vacations
Will Csoon be my Gdeath
I'm so Csick from the Fdrink
I need Ghome for a Frest
Take me Amhome Dm
[Verse 4]
G Em Am Dm G Em The Amgas heater's Gempty, it's Cdamp as a Ftomb
The Cspirits we Gdrank now Fghosts in the room
I'm Amknackered aGgain, come on Csleep take me Fsoon
And don't Clift up my Ghead 'till the Ftwelve bells at Gnoon
You'll Ghave to excuse me, I'm Cnot at my Gbest
I've been Cgone for a month F
I've been Gdrunk since I left
And these socalled vacations
Will Csoon be my Gdeath
I'm so Csick from the Fdrink
I need Ghome for a Frest
Take me Amhome F G Dm Am F G Am Dm G Em Am Dm G Em Bm G A Bm Em A D Bm G Em A D Bm G Em A Bm G A Bm Em A D Bm G Em A D Bm G Em Am G D Am G Am G D Am G Am G Am G D
Am G Am G