C#m B A B C#m B
[Verse 1]
BWhen you get C#mout B of the hAospital B
C#mLet me backB into your life
A I Bcan't C#mstand what you Bdo
I'm in lAove with your eyes
And when Byou C#mget outB of the dAating bar B
I'll be hC#mere to get backB into your lAife
BI can't C#mstand what you Bdo
I'm in lAove with your eyes
Oh, I Bcan't C#mstand Bwhat you C#mdo B
SomeC#mtimes BI C#mcan't Bstand C#myou B
And it C#mmakes Bme C#mthink Babout C#mme B
That C#mI'm BinC#mvolved Bwith C#myou B C#m B
C#m But I'm in Blove with this pAower that shows Bthrough in your eyes C#m
[Verse 2]
G# I C#mgo to bakeriesB all day Along B
There's a C#mlack of Bsweetness in my Alife
And there Bis C#mpain inside B
You can Asee it in my eyes
Oh there Bis C#mpain BinC#mside B
C#mYou Bcan C#msee it in Bmy C#meyes B
C#mMakes Bme C#mthink Babout C#mme B
C#mThat BI've C#mlost Bmy C#mpride B C#m B
C#m But I'm in loveB with this Apower that residesB in your eyes C#m
[Verse 3]
You C#mlive inB modern aApartments B
Well I eC#mven got sBcared once or twice
A B Last time I C#mwalked down your Bstreet
There were tAears in my eyes
Well Bthese C#mstreets B
We all Aknow B
They help us C#mcry when we're aBlone late at Anight
BDon't you C#mlove them Btoo?
That where you gAot your eyes?
Oh I Bcan't C#mstand Bwhat you C#mdo B
SomeC#mtimes BI C#mcan't Bstand C#myou B
And it C#mmakes Bme C#mthink abBout C#mme B
How C#mI'm BinC#mvolvedB with C#myou B C#m B C#m But I'm in loveB with this Apower that shows Bthrough in your eyes C#m
G# Now... your C#mworld B
[Verse 4]
It is Abeautiful
BI'll take the sC#mubway to your suBburb sometAime B
I'll seek C#mout the places that Bmust have been mAagic
To your Blittle girl mind
C#m B A Now as a Blittle gC#mirl
You Bmust have been maAgic B
I still get jeaC#mlous of your old boyBfriends
In the suburbs someAtimes
And when BI C#mwalk down your Bstreet
Probably tAears in my eyes
I Bcan't C#mstand Bwhat you C#mdo B
SomeC#mtimes BI C#mcan't Bstand C#myou B
And it C#mmakes Bme C#mthink abBout C#mme B
That C#mI'm BinC#mvolvedB with C#myou B C#m B C#m But I'm in loveB with this Apower that shows Bthrough in your eyes C#m
[Verse 5]
G# So... when you get C#mout B of the hAospital B
C#mLet me backB into your lAife B
IG# can't stand what you do
But I'm in love with your C#meye B
A B C#m B A B C#m