C5 G/B G5 C5 G/B G5
C5 G/B G5 C5 G/B
[Verse 1]
C5 I've made mistakes, I'm far from G5perfect
But this A7sus2time you went too far,C5 and I'm begging you for G5closure
Are you C5trying to suck the life right out of me? G5
I need to go A7sus2and find some sanity C5
Yeah you really fucked me G5over
We were A7sus2staying up late like there was G5something to do
C5In fast lane like there's nothing to lose
I guess I A7sus2should have known I'd lose G5everything to C5hurricane you
C5 Here's to those G/Bsummer days and G5wasted winter nights G/B
C5 Truth told you know we G/Bweren't that old, but we G5swore that it felt right
G/B C5 And some day when you'reG/B strung along, and outG5 there all alone G/B
C5 I won't be farG/B strumming my guitar A5
And youâll forever be singing along C5
Doo G/Bdo do G5do do do do C5do do doG/B do do G5
C5 Doo G/Bdo do G5do do do do C5do do G/Bdo do G5
[Verse 2]
C5 You're only good at causing G5problems, wearing A7sus2drama on your back C5
You only breed diG5saster
C5 Your waves crash all around
Like G5a landslide bound to A7sus2bring this whole city down C5
I need to start running G5faster
We were A7sus2staying up late like there was G5something to do
C5In fast lane like there's nothing to lose
I guess I A7sus2should have known I'd lose G5everything to C5hurricane you
C5 Here's to those G/Bsummer days and G5wasted winter nights G/B
C5 Truth told you know we G/Bweren't that old, but we G5swore that it felt right
G/B C5 And some day when you'reG/B strung along, and outG5 there all alone G/B
C5 I won't be farG/B strumming my guitar A5
And you'll forever be singing along C5
Doo G/Bdo do G5do do do do C5do do doG/B do do G5
C5 Doo G/Bdo do G5do do do do C5do do G/Bdo do G5
ThisC5 cannotG/B be love G5
IC5 can't comG/Bprehend G5
HowC5 you sleep G/B
Quit wastG5ing tears on liesC5 you can't G/Bdefend
G5 C5 G/B I G5knew I should have let go
C5 G/B Iâm G5sorry no one's perfect
C5 G/B It G5didnât have to end this way C5 G/B
I'm brokG5en
C5 Hereâs to those G/Bsummer days and G5wasted winter nights G/B
C5 Truth told you know we G/Bweren't that old, but we G5swore that it felt right
G/B C5 And some day when you'reG/B strung along, and outG5 there all alone G/B
C5 The jokes on you,G/B I'll be singing tooA5 baby you did me wrong C5 G/B
G5 C5Baby you didG/B me wrong G5
C5 G/B G5 I hope your C5friends are all G/Bsinging along G5
C5 Doo G/Bdo do G5do do do do C5do do doG/B do do G5
C5 Doo G/Bdo do G5do do do do C5do do G/Bdo do G5