Am C Dsus2 Am
C Dsus2
[Verse 1]
Am I Churt myselfDsus2 toAmday
To Csee if IDsus2 still Amfeel
I CfocusDsus2 on the paAmin
The Conly Dsus2thing that's Amreal
The Cneedle Dsus2tears a hoAmle
The Cold familDsus2iar stiAmng
Try to Ckill itDsus2 all awaAmy
But I reCmember Dsus2everything G
AmWhat have I becoFme
C My sweetest friGend
AmEveryone I knoFw goes awaCy
In the enGd
And Amyou could have it aFll
GMy empire of dirt
AmI will let you doFwn
GI will make you huAmrt
C Dsus2 Am C Dsus2
[Verse 2]
Am I Cwear this Dsus2crown of Amthorns
UpCon my Dsus2liar's chaAmir
CFull of Dsus2broken thougAmhts
CI cannotDsus2 reAmpair
BeCneath the Dsus2stains of Amtime
The CfeelingsDsus2 disappeAmar
CYou are someDsus2one elAmse
CI am stillDsus2 right heGre
AmWhat have I becoFme
C My sweetest friGend
AmEveryone I knoFw goes awaCy
In the enGd
And Amyou could have it aFll
GMy empire of dirt
AmI will let you doFwn
GI will make you huGrt
If AmI could start agaFin
A Gmillion miles awaGy
AmI would keep myseFlf
GI would find a way