A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5
A5 C5 G5
[Verse 1]
A5 C5 G5I A5hate anchovie pizza C5
G5AspA5aragus and peas C5 G5
A5Wanting my desert C5
G5And A5having to say please C5 G5
E5I G5hate Well A5I hate D5e_vC5erytA5hing
E5I G5hate Well A5I hate D5e_vC5erytA5hing
A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5
[Verse 2]
A5 C5 G5I A5hate the Grateful
Dead Their C5hipG5py A5fans are such a waste C5 G5
A5Everything about them
C5E_vG5en A5Jerry's ugly face C5 G5
E5I G5hate Well A5I hate D5e_vC5erytA5hing
E5I G5hate Well A5I hate D5e_vC5erytA5hing
A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5
A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5 A5 C5 G5
[Verse 3]
A5I hate working around the C5house
G5I A5hate mowing the lawn C5
G5I A5hate doing my homework C5
G5I A5even hate this song C5 G5
E5I G5hate Well A5I hate D5e_vC5erytA5hing
E5I G5hate Well A5I hate D5e_vC5erytA5hing
E5I G5hate Well A5I hate D5e_vC5erytA5hing
E5I G5hate Well A5I hate D5e_vC5erytA5hing