[Intro 1]
CGoAbd tGold me to skin you alive
[Intro 2]
Bb C Bb C Bb C
Bb C I kill Bbchildren C
[Verse 1]
I love to see them die
Bb C I kill Bbchildren C
And make their mamas cry
Bb C Crush 'em under Bbmy car C
I wanna hear them scream
Bb C Feed 'em poison Bbcandy C
To spoil their Halloween Bb C
Eb Bb C Eb Eb Bb C Eb
C Eb
So you're in the Bbkids' ward C
[Verse 2]
You're in there cos you're ill
Bb C How about Bbsome Pavulon C
So I can see you chill
Bb C Time to hit the Bbscool bus C
I think I'll shoot the tires
Bb C Offer them a Bbhelping hand C
Of open telephone wires Bb C
Eb Bb C Eb Eb Bb C Eb
C Eb
AbEveBbr wAbantBbed Abto BbdieAb?
Of course you have
GbBut I Abwon't till AI get myB revenge
GbBeen fuckAbed far, Afar too maBny ways
GbI don't Abwanna see Apeople aBny more
GThings I Anever Bbever sawC before
GMake me Asee them Bbfor the shitC they are
GTake as maAny as I Bbcan awayC with me
FAnyone can Abbe king for a day
G So I kill Bbchildren C
[Verse 3]
I love to see them die
Bb C I kill Bbchildren C
And make their mamas cry
Bb C I kill Bbchildren C
I bang their heads in doors
Bb C I kill Bbchildren C
Can hardly wait for yours Bb C
Eb Bb Can hardly wait for yours
Eb Bb Can hardly wait for yours
Eb Bb Can hardly wait for yours
Eb Bb Can hardly wait for yours
Eb Bb Can hardly wait for yours
Eb Bb Can hardly wait for yours
Eb Yours