Bm A
[Verse 1]
F# G I've been Bmroamin' and strollin'A Gall of these streets
ABurnin' my eyes red,G F#not slept for weeks G
BmTested with torment,A Gmy future is bleak
ALost in the momentG F#with no words to speak G
BmI can't find Ano Gpeace
A(I can't find Gno F#peace) G
Am I a Bmfool?
Waitin' for Gyou
What if you never come Aback
What if you never come back
There's nothin' Bmnew
I made another hit
I made another Gtune
What if we never know
AWhy hearts deceive us
The F#night calls the dreamers
[Verse 2]
BmMy sleep was stolen,A GI'm searching for thieves
AThese memories in my head,G F#are too vivid to see G
BmI can't find Ano Gpeace
A(I can't find Gno F#peace) G
And when I Bmclose my eyes I feel it Aall aGgain
AI can't find Gno F#peace G
Am I a Bmfool?
Waitin' for Gyou
What if you never come Aback
What if you never come back
There's nothin' Bmnew
I made another hit
I made another Gtune
What if we never know
AWhy hearts deceive us
The F#night calls the dreamers
BmInsomnia A G
And when I Aclose my eyes I feel it Gall aF#gain G
BmInsomnia A G
And when I Aclose my eyes I feel it Gall aF#gain
Am I a Bmfool?
Waitin' for Gyou
What if you never come Aback
What if you never come back
There's nothin' Bmnew
I made another hit
I made another Gtune
What if we never know
AWhy hearts deceive us
The F#night calls the dreamers