D A Bm G A D D
A Bm
[Verse 1]
A D DJeDssie Ais a Bmfriend, G
A D Yeah I Dknow he's Abeen a goodBm friend of mine A D
But DlateDly someAthin's changed,Bm it ain't Ghard to Adefine, D
Jessie's Dgot himself Aa girlBm and I wanna make Aher mine D
And Dshe's Dwatchin' Ahim with Bmthose eyGes, A D
And Dshe's lovin' him Awith thatBm body,
I just Aknow itD And he's Dholdin' Aher in Bmhis aGrms late late Aat night D
A You know I wish that I had AJeDssie's girl A
D A I Dwish that AI had AJeDssie's girl A
D A D A G Where Acan I Dfind aBm woman liAke that?
[Verse 2]
I play aDlong with Athe chaBmrade G
A D There doeDsn't seem to Abe a Bmreason to change A D
You know I DfeelD soA dirtBmy when they Gstart talkAin' cute D
I wanna Dtell her that AI love Bmher, but the point is probA'ly moot D
'Cause Dshe's Dwatchin' Ahim with Bmthose eGyes, A D
And Dshe's lovin' him Awith thatBm body,
I just Aknow itD And he's Dholdin' Aher in Bmhis aGrms late late Aat night D
A You know I wish that I had AJeDssie's girl A
D A I Dwish that AI had AJeDssie's girl A
D A D A G Where Acan I Dfind aBm woman liAke that?
Like AJeDssie's girlA D A I Dwish that AI had AJeDssie's girl A
D A D A G Where Acan I Dfind aG woman A D
G Where Acan I Dfind aBm woman likeA that?
G And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time,
Wond'rin' what she don't see in me
I've been funny, I've been cool with the lines
Ain't that the way love's suApposed to be?
F# B F# B F# B F# F# B F# B F# B F#
F# B F# B F# B F# F# B F#
B F# B F#Tell me!G Where Acan I Dfind aBm woman likeA that?
D A Bm G A D D A Bm A D D
D A Bm G A D D A Bm A D
A You know I wish that I had AJeDssie's girl A
D A I Dwish that AI had AJeDssie's girlA D A D I Awant AJeDssie's girl A
D A D A G Where Acan I Dfind aBm woman likeA that?
Like AJeDssie's girlA D A I Dwish that AI had AJeDssie's girl A
D A D I Awant AJeDssie's girl A