E5 G5 E5 A#5
E5 G5 E5 A#5
[Verse 1]
DeF5pravity, feral traits
Line drawn in the dirt
Dense unconscious streams,
it seemsline drawn in the dirt
Our inconsistencies
in singling out the human E5
Line drawn in the G5dirt E5
Line drawn in the A#5dirt E5
Line drawn in the G5dirt E5 A#5 F5
[Verse 2]
F5Smack us senseless through a lens
Least for the lesser
Burden's fit for scabrous waifs
Least for the lesser
Let the unsophisticated go unheard. E5
Least for the lesG5ser E5
Least for the lesA#5ser E5
Least for the lesG5ser E5 A#5
E5Line drawn in the dirt
Least for the lesser
Line drawn in the dirt
[Verse 3]
E5Sweep back to the recesses
Ab5Of furthest thought
E5Recoil and blank out the atrocities
MeAb5ted out outC5 D#5 F#5 C5 D#5 F#5out
DiC5sembodied, diD#5senfranF#5chised
InC5troverted unD#5dersF#5tate
E5 ments.
Line drawn in the dirt
[Verse 4]
E5Relax in the sheltered neutrality
Ab5Of furthest thought
As E5observers we trivialize the
cruelty meAb5ted out out outC5 D#5 F#5 C5 D#5 F#5out
DiC5sembodied, diD#5senfranF#5chised
InC5troverted unD#5dersF#5tateE5ments.
Line drawn in the G5dirt E5
Line drawn in the A#5dirt