[Verse 1]
C/G I Gknow that it is freezing
But I think we have to walk
C/G Keep Gwaving at the taxis
They keep turning the lights off
C/G But AmJulie knows a party at some actor's West Side loft
D Supplies are Amendless in the Cevening
By the Ammorning they'llD be gone
[Verse 2]
G When Geverything is lonely
I can be my own best friend
C/G I get a Gcoffee and the paper
Have my own conversations
C/G With the Amsidewalk and the pigeons
And my window reflection
D The mask i Ampolish in the Cevening
By the Ammorning looksD like shit
G And I knowC you have a heavy heart
I can feelG it when we kiss
So Cmany men stronger than me
Have thrown their backsG out trying to liftA7 it
But meC I'm not a gamEmble
You can countG on meD to split
C The love I Amsell you in the Cevening
By the Ammorning won'tD exiGst
[Verse 3]
You Glooking skinny like a model
With your eyes all painted black
C/G Just keep Ggoing to the bathroom
Only say you'll be right back
C/G Well it Amtakes one to know one kid
I think you've got it bad
D But what's so Ameasy in the Cevening
By the Ammorning it'sD such a Gdrag
Got a Gflask inside my pocket
We can share it on the train
C/G And if you Gpromise to stay conscious
I'll try and do the same
C/G Well we might Amdie from medication
But we sure killed all the pain
D What was Amnormal in the Cevening
By the Ammorning seemsD insane
G And I'm notC sure what the trouble was
What Gstarted all of this
The Creasons all have run away
But the feeGling never did A7
It's not someCthing I would reEmcommend
But it isG one wayD to liCve
Cause what is Amsimple in the Cmoonlight
By the Ammorning neDver is
G It was simpAmle in the moonClight
Now Amit's so comDplicatEmed
It was so Amsimple in the Cmoonlight
so Amsimple in the Cmoonlight
so Amsimple in the Cmoonlight G