I need a AMars Bar
Hey Eraid the Spa
To Ahelp me through the day E
I need a AMars Bar
I've had Etotal fun
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
[Verse 1]
I Anever eat my Edinner D# E
I Apush away theE plate G5
D5You can Asee I'm getting Ethinner D# E
BeDcause I just can'tE wait
To get my AMars Bar
Hey Eraid the Spa
To Ahelp me through the day E
I need a AMars Bar
I've had Etotal fun
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
[Verse 2]
To APatrick Moore and David EBowie D# E
And Aall the otherE stars G5
D5There's Aevidence here to Eshow you D#
EThat Dthere's life onE Mars
I need a AMars Bar
Hey Eraid the Spa
To Ahelp me through the day E
I need a AMars Bar
I've had Etotal fun
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
There's Eglucose for energy
DCaramel for strength
The Cchocolate's only there
To D5keep it the right Elength
I need a AMars Bar
Hey Eraid the Spa
To Ahelp me through the day E
I need a AMars Bar
I've had Etotal fun
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
[Verse 3]
To Aanybody out there who still Eeats Twix? D# E
AnyAbody on packets of EButtons? G5 D5
I Agave them up when I wasE six D#
EI Dhope your teeth areE rotten
I need a AMars Bar
Hey Eraid the Spa
To Ahelp me through the day E
I need a AMars Bar
I've had Etotal fun
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
It Dhelps me, makes me, Gwork rest and Eplay
E Work, rest and Aplay