D#5 B/F# C#/G# D#5
[Verse 1]
C#/G# We're D#mnot gonna be just a paBrt of their game
We're F#not gonna be just the vC#ictims
They're D#mtaking our dreams and they teBar them apart
'Til F#everyone's the saC#me
I've got no place to B5/F#go
I've got nowhere to run
They'd love to watch me C#/G#fall
They think they know it all
I'm a nigD#mhtmare, a disBaster
That's F#what they always saC#id
I'm a loD#mst cause, not a hBero
But I'll F#make it on my oC#wn
I've gotta prove them Bwrong
C# Me against the D#5world
B/F# C#/G# It's me against the D#5world
[Verse 2]
B/F# C#/G# We D#mwon't let them change how we feBel in our hearts
We're F#not gonna let them contrC#ol us
We D#mwon't let them shove all their thoBughts in our heads
And we'll F#never be like thC#em
I've got no place to B5/F#go
I've got nowhere to run
They'd love to watch me C#/G#fall
They think they know it all
I'm a nigD#mhtmare, a disBaster
That's F#what they always saC#id
I'm a loD#mst cause, not a hBero
But I'll F#make it on my oC#wn
I've gotta prove them Bwrong
C# Me against the G#5world
C#5 Me against the D#5world
Now I'm B/F#sick of this waiting
So C#/G#come on and take your shot
D#5 You can B/F#spit all your insults
But C#/G#nothing you say's gonna chanD#5ge us
You can B/F#sit there and judge me
C#/G#Say what you want to
D#5We'll never let you win
I'm a nigD#mhtmare, a disBaster
That's F#what they always saC#id
I'm a loD#mst cause, not a hBero
But I'll F#make it on my oC#wn
Me against the Bworld C#
I'm a nigD#mhtmare, a disBaster
That's F#what they always saC#id
I'm a loD#mst cause, not a hBero
But I'll F#make it on my oC#wn
I've gotta prove them Bwrong
They'll never bring us C#down
We'll never fall in Bline
I'll make it on my C#own
Me against the D#mworld