F#m Gm G#m Am
A#m Bm
Cm C#m Dm
[Verse 1]
Am So proud a history,G replete with sanctity,
Dm Orbs in their harmony, they Emsing their code to me.
AmHave you ever heard yourself, the Gorbit that you're in?
The Dmterse, oppressive blanket that's instiEmlled here by our spin.
It's Ammisery and Gfamine, it's a Amforce we cannot Gsee,
DmMisery and famine, it comEmpels us naturally.
AmMisery and Gfamine, great elAmlipse, we bend to Gthee,
DmMisery and famine, just acEmcept your vagrancy.
[Verse 2]
Am Others who bear no name,G who feel that life's a game,
Dm My verse they will defame, we Emsuffer all the same.
They Ampay no regard to their poGsition or their speed,
The Dmfirmament still covers them with Emits malevolent seed.
It's Ammisery and Gfamine, it's a Amforce we cannot Gsee,
DmMisery and famine, it comEmpels us naturally.
AmMisery and Gfamine, great elAmlipse, we bend to Gthee,
DmMisery and famine, just acEmcept your vagrancy.
Bm You look for Emeaning in things Bmnoone compreEhends,
BmYou feel no afEfinity to Gthe rabDble we're Bmin,
Sources of Einquiry have Bmnothing to porEtend,
BmThey will perEplex us all unGtil the Dcoming Bmend, unGtil the Dcoming Bmend.
G D Bm
[Verse 3]
Am A feeling of despair,G hungry and full of care,
Dm We resent everywhere the Emfortune that we share.
"This AmEarth could be a better place" is a Gconcept I condone,
DmGiven our pathetic course our Emdestiny is known.
It's Ammisery and Gfamine, it's a Amforce we cannot Gsee,
DmMisery and famine, it comEmpels us naturally.
AmMisery and Gfamine, great elAmlipse, we bend to Gthee,
DmMisery and famine, just acEmcept your vagrancy.
AmMisery and Gfamine,
Am G DmMisery and famine,
Em AmMisery and Gfamine,
Am G DmMisery and famine. Em Am