[Verse 1]
G5 I saw your E5queen
Swam outC5 below her starB5 on sea beneath G5
Though I lifE5ted up my hands to her
She A5never lifted me
Oh someC5thing's D5missing G5in me C5
I felt it D5deep withG5in me C5
As lovers D5left me G5to bleedC5 alone
[Verse 2]
G5 Found something E5sweet
On the isC5land with the daughB5ters ofG5 eve
But through thickE5 and thin they've gone away
And A5only left their grief
Oh someC5thing's D5missing G5in me C5
I felt it D5deep withG5in me C5
As lovers D5left me G5to bleedC5 alone
C5Something's D5missing G5in me C5
I felt it D5deep withG5in me C5
As lovers D5left me G5to bleedC5 alone
Something's missing in me
Something's missing in me E5
Down here love G5wasn't meant to be
It C5wasn't meant to be forE5 me
Down here love D5wasn't meant to be
It A5wasn't meant to be
Oh someC5thing's D5missing G5in me C5
I felt it D5deep withG5in me C5
As lovers D5left me G5to bleedC5 alone
C5Something's D5missing G5in me C5
I felt it D5deep withG5in me C5
As lovers D5left me G5to bleedC5 alone
C5Something's missing in me
Something's missing in me
Something's missing in me
Something's missing in me