E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5
B5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5
B5 G#5 A5 G#5
[Verse 1]
E5 What's the G#5differenceA5 of never B5knowing at all?
E5 When every G#5step IA5 take is B5always too small.
E5 MayG#5be it's just A5something B5I can't admitE5 but lateG#5ly,
I A5feel like B5I don't C#5give a D#5shit.
E Motivation such an aggravation,
B Accusations don't know how to take them.
E Inspiration's getting hard to fake it.
A Concentration's Bnever hard to break it.
A5Situation B5never what you want it to be.
G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5 B5 G#5 A5 G#5
E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5 B5 G#5 A5 G#5
[Verse 2]
E5 What's the G#5point ofA5 never B5making mistakes?
E5 SelfinG#5dulgence A5is such a hard B5habit to break.
E5 It's G#5all just a A5waste of B5time in the end.
E5 I don't G#5care so A5why B5should I C#5even D#5pretend.
E Motivation such an aggravation,
B Accusations don't know how to take them.
E Inspiration's getting hard to fake it.
A Concentration's Bnever hard to break it.
A5Situation B5never what you want it..
E5No_G#m__thB5ing's A5new, everything's the same.
E5It keeps G#mon B5dragging me A5down, it's getting kind of lame.
E5I'm fallG#ming B5further beA5hind, there's nothing to explain.
No F#5matter what you say A5nothing's gonna change my mind.
E5 A5 B5 E5 A5 B5
E5 A5 B5 E5 A5 B5
C#5Can't depend on doubt unB5til the end.
It seems like E5leaving friends has become
This years E5/D#trend and though I can't pretend.
It's A5fine to be mislead.
It's B5not the same but who's to blame,
For all those stupid things I never E5said. B5
F#5 A5 E5 B5 F#5 A5 E5 B5
F#5 A5 E5 B5 F#5 A5
E5 MotiB5vation F#5such an aggraA5vation,
E5 AccuB5sations F#5don't know how to A5take them.
E5 InspiB5ration's F#5getting hard to A5fake it.
E5 ConcentB5ration's F#5never hard to A5break it.
E5 MoB5tivation F#5such an aggA5ravation,
E5 AccF#5usationsA5 don't know how B5to take them.
E5 InB5spiration's F#5getting hard A5to fake it.
E5 ConF#5centration's, A5situation B5never what you want it to be.
G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5
B5Never what G#5you A5want it to G#5be.
E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5 E5 G#5 A5 G#5
B5Never what G#5you A5want it to G#5be. E5