E5 D5 C5 A5
E5 D5 C5 A5
E5 D5 C5 A5
E5 D5 C5 A5
E5 D5 C5
E5 A change of speed,D5 a change of style.
C5 A change of scene, withA5 no regrets,
E5 A chance to watch,D5 admire the distance,
C5 Still occupied,A5 though you forget.
E5 Different colors,D5 different shades,
C5Over each mistakes were maA5de.
I took the blaE5me.
D5 Directionless so plain to see,
C5A loaded gun won't set you freA5e.
So you saE5y.
D5 C5 A5 E5
D5 C5 A5
[Verse 2]
E5 We'll share a drink and step outD5side,
An angry voice and one who criC5ed,
A5 E5 'We'll give you everything and moD5re,
The strain's too much, can't take much moC5re.'
A5 E5 Oh, I've walked on water, run through fiD5re,
Can't seem to feel it anyC5more.
A5 It was E5m_eD5, wC5aiting for me,
A5Hoping for something more,
E5M_eD5, sC5eeing me this time, A5hoping for something else.
E5 D5 C5 A5
E5 D5 C5 A5
E5 D5 C5 A5
E5 D5 C5 A5