G [Cadd9] G D/F# Em C
[Verse 1]
GNobody knows how to [Cadd9]say goodGbye D/F#
Em It seems so easy C'til you try G D/F#
EmThen the moments Cpassed you Gby D/F#
EmNobody knows how to Csay goodGbye D/F# Em C G
[Verse 2]
GNobody knows how to [Cadd9]get back Ghome D/F#
Em And we set out so Clong ago G D/F#
EmSearch the heavens and the CEarth below G D/F#
EmNobody knows how to Cget back Ghome D/F# Em C
[Verse 3]
GThrough Gthe darkness to [Cadd9]the dawnG And D/F#
Em when I looked back you Cwere gone
GHeardD/F# Emyour voice leading Cme onG Through D/F#
Emthe darkness to Cthe dawn
G [Cadd9] G D/F# Em C G D/F#
Em C G D/F# Em C G
[Verse 4]
Gis deep as the road [Cadd9]is longG And D/F#
Em moves my feet to carryC on
GBeatsD/F# Emmy heart when you Care goneG Love D/F#
Emis deep as the road Cis long G D/F# Em C
No G
Gbody knows how the sto[Cadd9]ry endsG Live D/F#
Em the day, doing what Cyou can
GThisD/F# Emis only where it CbeganG No D/F#
Embody knows how the stoCry ends
GNoD/F#____bEmody knows how the stoCry ends G