[Verse 1]
BbDesmond has a barrow in the Fmarketplace
Mol ly is the singer in a Bbband
Desmond says to Molly, "Girl, I Eblike your face"
And Molly Bbsays this as she Ftakes him by the hBband
Obladi,Bb oblada
Life goes on,Dm Gmbrah
LaBbla, how the Flife goes on
Bb Obladi, oblada
Life goes on,Dm Gmbrah
LaBbla, how the Flife goes on Bb
[Verse 2]
BbDesmond takes a trolley to the Fjeweler's store
Buys a twenty carat golden Bbring
Takes it back to Molly waiting Ebat the door
And as he Bbgives it to her Fshe begins to Bbsing
Obladi,Bb oblada
Life goes on,Dm Gmbrah
LaBbla, how the Flife goes on
Bb Obladi, oblada
Life goes on,Dm Gmbrah
LaBbla, how the Flife goes on
Bb Yeah
Eb In a couple of years
They have built a home sweet hBbome
Eb With a couple of kids running in the yard
Of Bb/FDesmond and Molly Jones
[Verse 3]
BbHappy ever after in the Fmarket place
Desmond lets the children lend a Bbhand
Molly stays at home and does her Ebpretty face
And in the Bbevening she still Fsings it with the bBband
Obladi,Bb oblada
Life goes on,Dm Gmbrah
LaBbla, how the Flife goes on
Bb Obladi, oblada
Life goes on,Dm Gmbrah
LaBbla, how the Flife goes on Bb
Eb In a couple of years
They have built a home sweet hBbome
Eb With a couple of kids running in the yard
Of Bb/FDesmond and Molly Jones
[Verse 4]
BbHappy ever after in the Fmarket place
Molly lets the children lend a Bbhand
Desmond stays at home and does his Ebpretty face
And in the Bbevening she still Fsings it with the bBband
Obladi,Bb oblada
Life goes on,Dm Gmbrah
LaBbla, how the Flife goes on
Bb Obladi, oblada
Life goes on,Dm Gmbrah
BbLala, how the Flife goes on
Gm well if you want some fun take Fob la di bla Bbda