Dm Bb F C Dm
Dm Bb F C Dm
[Verse 1]
DmPrivilege from birth, abhorrence of work,
ObBbsessed with FsovereignCty
ABbristocrats claim an eFxemption
From the Gmstandards of democraAcy
A Bbsecret anFtipathy to
CJustice and eGmqualiDmty
And a Bbtightly conFstrained
DeCfinition of Gmwho is Afree
Old reDmgime , Csmoke of histoBbry
LiberFty still Gmwafting in the Abreeze
The Bbnew aristocracy just
FSmells like the Gmold CreDmgime
Bb F C Dm
Dm Bb F C Dm
[Verse 2]
DmThey think that they can alter and sway
Which Bbversion of Ffreedom Creigns
If Bbeverything is subFjective
Then Gmwhat good is truth anyAway?
A Bbplutocratic Fstrategy or
CTechnocrat conGmspiraDmcy
Or a Bbvision of Futopia Cthat
Only the beGmsotten can Asee?
Old reDmgime , Csmoke of histoBbry
LiberFty still Gmwafting in the Abreeze
The Bbnew aristocracy just
FSmells like the Gmold CreDmgime
Bb F C Bb F
A An Bbunabated Ftendency to
CTtyranny is Gmstill in Dmplace
And the Bbancient noFbility's
ComCplexion differs Gmjust in Aname
Old reDmgime , Csmoke of histoBbry
LiberFty still Gmwafting in the Abreeze
A Bbnew season dawns with
FOminous GmproCpheBbcy
F GmYeah Cthe Bbnew aristocracy just
FSmells like the Gmold CreDmgime
Bb F C Dm Dm
Bb F C Dm