[Verse 1]
It was theFmaj7 biggest ever cock[Fadd9] you'd ever seen,C Fmaj7 but you've [Fadd9]no idea Cwhere that cock has been
A5 You said you were carefulGyou never were withAsus2 me
I heard you did it four times Gand jonnies come in packs of
G three
[Verse 2]
She wasFmaj7 the best [Fadd9]shag I'd eCverFmaj7 had
That doesn't mean I'm sayFadd9_____iCng, bedwise, you wereA5 bad
I think you were worGking, we got aA5 hotel
We didn't have anything but GI thought I might as G
[Verse 3]
Dm7 well
I neEmver told theC5 Dm7 rest
I wasEm drunk and I told you I was C5thinking about aDm7 test
You know I Emjust said it for efC5fect
Then you laughed and said EmI'd f**k anything in a skirtC5 once I'm e
Asus2 G Asus2 G
[Verse 4]
And she'sFmaj7 a famous ha[Fadd9]rlot in thisC Fmaj7 town
I know enough [Fadd9]to, but still IC couldn't turn herA5 down
He said I'm anG arsehole, what was I thinkAsus2ing?
It's far too easy Gto blame it on the drin