[Verse 1]
Gm I've got a Gm/Freally bad disease Gm/E Ebmaj7
Gm It's got me Gm/Fbegging on my C/Ehands and knees Eb
So Gmtake me Gm/Fto eGm/Emergency Ebmaj7
Gm 'Cause something Gm/Fseems to be missing C/E Eb
Gm Somebody Gm/Ftake the pain away Gm/E Ebmaj7
Gm It's like an ulGm/Fcer bleeding C/Ein my brain Eb
So Gmsend me Gm/Fto the Gm/Epharmacy Ebmaj7
Gm So I can Gm/Flose my memory C/E Eb
Cm I'm eCm/Bblated Cm/A
MediCm/Abcated Cm
Lord knows I Cm/Bbtried to find a Cm/Away Cm/Ab
To run away D
[Verse 2]
Gm I think they Gm/Ffound another cure Gm/E Ebmaj7
Gm For broken Gm/Fhearts and feeling C/Einsecure Eb
You'd Gmbe surGm/Fprised what Gm/EI endure Ebmaj7
Gm What makes you Gm/Ffeel so selfassured? C/E Eb
Gm I need to Gm/Ffind a place to hide Gm/E Ebmaj7
Gm You never Gm/Fknow what could be C/Ewaiting outside Eb
The GmaccidGm/Fents that Gm/Eyou could find Ebmaj7
Gm It's like some Gm/Fkind of suicide C/E Eb
Cm So what Cm/Bbails you Cm/A
Is what imCm/Abpales you Cm
I feel like Cm/BbI've been cruciCm/Afied Cm/Ab
To be satisfied D
Gm I'm a victimGm/F of my symptom Gm/E
I am my Cmown worst enemy F D
Gm You're a victimGm/F of your symptom Gm/E
You are your Cmown worst enemy F
DKnow your enemy Gm Gm/F
Gm/E Eb D Gm Gm/F Gm/E Eb D Gm Gm/F
Gm/E Eb D Gm Gm/F Gm/E Eb D
Gm I'm elated,Gm/F medicated Gm/E
I am my Cmown worst enemy F D
Gm So what ails youGm/F is what impales you Gm/E
You are your Cmown worst enemy F D
Gm You're a victimGm/F of the system Gm/E
You are your Cmown worst enemy F D
Gm You're a victimGm/F of the system Gm/E
You are your Cmown worst enemy F D
Gm Eb Gm Eb
Gm Eb Gm Eb