[Verse 1]
ConD5fusion in her eyes that says it all.
She's lost control.
And she's clinging to the nearest passer by,
She's lost control.
And she gave away the secrets of her past,
And said I've lost control again,
And of a voice that told her when and where to act,
She said I've lost control again.
D5 G5 A5 Bb5 C5 D5
G5 A5 Bb5 C5
[Verse 2]
A5 And she G5turned around and A5took me by the Bb5hand and said, C5
I've lost conD5trol again.
And how I'll never know just why or underG5staand, She said A5
I've lost conBb5trol again. C5
A5 And she G5screamed out A5kicking onher Bb5side and said, C5
I've lost conD5trol again.
And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd G5die. She said A5
I've lost conBb5trol. C5
A5 She's lost conG5trol again. A5
Bb5 C5 She's lost conD5trol.
She's lost control again.
G5 A5 She's lost contBb5rool. C5 A5
G5 A5 Bb5 C5 D5 G5 A5
Bb5 C5 A5 G5 A5 Bb5 C5
D5 G5 A5 Bb5 C5 A5
G5 A5 Bb5 C5 D5 G5 A5
Bb5 C5
[Verse 3]
A5 Well I G5had to 'phone her A5friend to state my Bb5caase, And say C5
she's lost conD5trol again.
And she showed up all the errors and miG5staakes, And said A5
I've lost conBb5trol again. C5
A5 But she exG5pressed herself in A5many dif ferent waBb5ys, Until C5
she lost conD5trol a gain.
And walked upon the edge of no esG5caape, And laughed A5
I've lost conBb5trol. C5
A5 She's lost conG5trol again. A5
Bb5 C5 She's lost conD5trol.
She's lost control again.
G5 A5 She's lost conBb5trol. C5 A5
G5 A5 Bb5 C5 D5 G5 A5
Bb5 C5 A5 G5 A5 Bb5 C5
D5 G5 A5 Bb5 C5 A5
G5 A5 Bb5 C5 D5 G5 A5
Bb5 C5 A5