Am Bm C G#aug
Am Bm
[Verse 1]
G#aug You're not in this aAmlone, let me breakG this awkward siD/F#lence
Let me go,F go on reAmcord, be the firstG to say I'm sorD/F#ry, hear me out
F Well, if you Amtake me Gdown or would you D/F#lay me Fout?
And if the Amworld needs something Gbetter
Let's give them D/F#one more reasonF now, now, now!
Am We walk in Bmsingle file, we Clight our rails, and G#augpunch our time
Ride Amescalators Bmcolder than a Ccell
G#aug This broken cityF sky like butane on myEm skin
Stolen from myAm eyes, hello anGgel, tell me
FWhere are Emyou?
Tell me Amwhere we go from here C
This broken city Fsky like butane on myEm skin
Stolen from myAm eyes, hello anGgel, tell me
FWhere are Emyou?
Tell me Amwhere we go from here,C tell me, we go from
[Verse 2]
A#dim And in this moment, we can't Fclose the lids, on burning eyes
A#dim Our memories blanket us, with Ffriends we know, like fallout vapors
A#dim Steel corpses stretch out towards an Fending sun
Scorched and black,A#dim it reaches in and tears your Fflesh apart
As ice cold hands rip into your Cheart
Bm Am F That's if you've Cstill got one that's left
Bm Inside that Amcave you call a chest
F And after Cseeing what we saw
Bm Can we Amstill reclaim our Finnocence?
And if the Cworld needs something Bmbetter
Let's give them Amone more reason, Fnow
This broken cityF sky like butane on myEm skin
Stolen from myAm eyes, hello anGgel, tell me
FWhere are Emyou?
Tell me Amwhere we go from here C
This broken city Fsky like butane on myEm skin
Stolen from myAm eyes, hello anGgel, tell me
FWhere are Emyou?
Tell me Amwhere we go from here,C tell me, we go from here