G5Every day I D5get more pissed
G5Slit my wrist, D5slit my wrist
[Verse 1]
A5 I F#5hate to G5care, A A5pile stacked high F#5
G5of compliD5cations C5 B5 D5 C5 B5
G5Every day I D5get more pissed
G5Slit my wrist, D5slit my wrist
[Verse 2]
A5 I hate the F#5thought that G5I must A5give
All my F#5time G5just to D5live C5 B5 D5 C5 B5
G5Every day I D5get more pissed
G5Slit my wrist, D5slit my wrist
[Verse 3]
A5I hate the thought F#5of goG5vernment A5aid
Across my wrist, F#5a G5razor D5blade C5 B5 D5 C5 B5
G5Every day I D5get more pissed
G5Slit my wrist, D5slit my wrist A5