F#m C#m D
[Verse 1]
F#mBury all your secrets in C#mmy skin D
A F#mCome away with innocence,C#m and Dleave me with my sins A
The F#mair around me still feels like C#ma cage D
A And F#mlove is just a camouflageC#m for Dwhat resembles rageA again
F#m D F#m D So if you love me, let me Ego
And run away before IF#m know.
My heart is just too darkE to care.
I can't destroy what isn'tF#m there.
Deliver me into myE fate, if I'm alone I cannotF#m hate
I don't deserve to haveE you
Oh My Dsmile was taken long ago, if I can change I hope I never F#mknow
D F#m D
[Verse 2]
F#mI still press your letters to my lips D
And F#mcherish them in parts of me that Dsavor every kiss
I F#mcouldn't face a life without your light D
But F#mall of that was ripped apart,D when you refused to fight
So save your breath, I will notE care.
I think I made it veryF#m clear.
You couldn't hate enoughE to love.
Is that supposed to be eF#mnough?
I only wish you weren't myE friend.
Then I could hurt you in theF#m end.
I never claimed to beE a saint
Oh My Down was banished long ago, it took the death of hope to let F#myou go
D F#m D Oh
F#m D F#m D So break yourself against myE stones
And spit your pity in myF#m soul
You never needed any help E
You sold me out to save yourF#melf
And I won't listen to your Eshame
You ran away, you're all theF#m same
Angels lie to keepE control
Oh My Dlove was punished long ago
If you still care, don't ever let me F#mknow
D If you still care, don't ever let me F#mknow
D F#m D F#m