[Verse 1]
I'm Enot the kind of fool Caug
Who's gonna sit and sing to Ayou, F#m
About stars, girl.
But Elast night I looked upCaug into
The dark half of the Ablue, F#m
And they'd gone backwards.
A Something in your Bmagnetism
EMust have pissed them G#off,
A Forcing them to Bget an early Enight. G#
A I have been Bsearching from
The Ebottom to the G#top
For such Aa sight
As the Amone I caught when I saw your
EFingers Bdimming the lights
F#m Like you're Eused to being told Bthat you're trouF#mble
And I Espent Ball F#mnight
Stuck Eon the puzzle B F#m
[Verse 2]
ENobody I asked Caug
Knew how he came to be the Aone F#m
To whom you surrendered
EAny man who wasCaugn't led away
Into the Aother room F#m
Stood pretending
A That something in your Bmagnetism
EHadn't just made him G#drop
AWhoever's hand it Bwas that he was Eholding. G#
A I have been Bsearching from
The Ebottom to the G#top
For such Aa sight
As the Amone I caught when I saw your
EFingers Bdimming the lights
F#m Like you're Eused to being told Bthat you're trouF#mble
And I Espent Ball F#mnight
Stuck Eon the puzzle B
F#m I Etried to Bswim to the side
F#m But my Efeet got Bcaught in the midF#mdle
And I Ethought I'd G#seen the light A F#
But oh no.
B A G#m I was just F#mstuck on the puzEzle B
F#m Stuck on the Epuzzle. B
F#m E B F#m E B