[Verse 1]
Well I Gwoke up Sunday morning
With no Cway to hold my head,D that didn't hurt
G And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't Embad
So I had one more for desDsert
[Verse 2]
Then I fumGbled in my G7closet through my Cclothes
And found my cleanest dirty Gshirt
Em Then I washedC my face and Dcombed my hair
AmAnd stumbled down the Dstairs to meet the day
[Verse 3]
I'd Gsmoked my mind the G7night before
CWith cigarettes and the Dsongs I'd been Gpickin'
But I lit my first and watched a small kid
Em Playin' with a can that he was Dkicking
[Verse 4]
Then I walkedG across the G7street
And caught the CSunday smell of someone's Gfryin' chicken
Em And it Ctook me back to Dsomethin'
That I'd Amlost somewhere, Dsomehow along the Gway
On a Sunday morning Csidewalk
I'm wishing Lord that I was stoned
G Cause there's something in a DSunday
That makes a body feel aGlone
And there's nothin' short of Cdyin'
That's half as lonesome as the Gsound
Of a sleepin' city Dsidewalk
And Sunday mornin' comin' Gdown
[Verse 5]
In the Gpark I saw a G7daddy
With a Claughin' little Dgirl that he was Gswingin'
And I stopped beside a Sunday school
EmAnd listened to the songs they were Dsingin'
[Verse 6]
Then I Gheaded down the G7street
And somewhere Cfar away a lonely bell Gwas ringin'
Em And it Cechoed thru the Dcanyon
Like the Amdisappearing Ddreams of yesterGday
On a Sunday morning Csidewalk
I'm wishing Lord that I was Gstoned
Cause there's something in a DSunday
That makes a body feel aGlone
And there's nothin' short of Cdyin'
That's half as lonesome as the Gsound
Of a sleepin' city Dsidewalk
And Sunday mornin' comin' Gdown