Dm C Dm
[Verse 1]
C You got the Dmlook but not the Ccredit,
They wrote the Ambook on how to Dmsell it,
From cigaDmrettes to skinny Cjeans.
You got the Ammoney, they got the Dmmeans.
All you Gmupper class daughters and Dmworking class sons,
It's Gmhard to save a dollar the Dmway the world runs.
You're the Gmtarget market of a Dmcorporate joke,
It Cwon't be so ironic when your Amdaddy is broke.
SurDmprise, surprise! SurpCrise, surprise!
You're Ammuch better looking when you're Dmin disguise.
SurDmprise, surprise, surCprise, surprise!
And Amthis revolution has been Gmbrought to you by
[Verse 2]
Dm C Just find a Dmstyle, so you can Cmimic,
The tortured Amartist, the jaded Dmcynic.
The latest Dmgadget is just a Cgimmick.
Another Amsucker born every Dmminute.
Well, I'm Dmsick of this town Cbringing me down,
A Amfirst world epidemic Dmall around.
Well, I'm Dmsick of this town Cbringing me down,
A Amlost generation trying to Dmact profound.
All Gmyou upper class daughters Dmand working class sons,
GmIt's hard to save a dollar Dmthe way the world runs.
We got Gma counterculture, you Dmcan buy off a shelf,
If Cyou're losing your identity, Amtry somebody else.
DmSurprise, surprise! CSurprise, surprise!
AmYou're much better looking when Dmyou're in disguise.
DmSurprise, surprise, Csurprise, surprise!
AmAnd this revolution has Dmbeen brought to you by Dm
Those who seem to Cthink we don't care
AmAnd those who seem to Dmthink we're not aware,
DmSurprise, surprise! CSurprise, surprise!
AmYou're much better looking when Gmyou're in disguDmise
Am Gm Dm Dm
Am Gm
All Gmyou working class daughters, Dmand upper class sons
GmIt's hard to save a dollar Dmthe way the world runs.
We're Gmthe target market of Dma corporate hoax
COur generation is Ama fucking joke Dm
Surprise, surCprise! Surprise, surAmprise!
You're much better looking Dmwhen you're in disguise.
DmSurprise, surprise, Csurprise, surprise!
AmAnd this revolution has Dmbeen brought to you by Dm
Those who seem to Cthink we don't care
AmAnd those who seem to Dmthink we're not aware,
DmSurprise, surprise! CSurprise, surprise!
AmYou're much better looking when Gmyou're in disDmguise