[Verse 1]
AllE6/B I can ever be to you
C#m6/A#Is a darkness that we knew
And Athis regret I've A/G#got acF#mcustomed to
E6/BOnce it was so right
C#m6/A#When we were at our height
AWaiting for you A/G#in the hoF#mtel at night
I knew I E6/Bhadn't met my match
C#m6/A#But every moment we could snatch
I Adon't know why IA/G# got F#mso attached
It's my resE6/Bponsibility
And C#m6/A#you don't owe nothing to me
But to Awalk away I A/G#have no caF#mpacity G#m
HeA walksF#m7 away G#m7
The sun C#mgoes down
A He takesF#m7 the dayG#m7 but I'm grown C#m
And in yourA way,F#m7 in this G#m7blue shade C#m
My F#tears dry on their Aown
[Verse 2]
E6/BI don't understand
C#m6/A#Why do I stress the man
When Athere's so many A/G#bigger F#mthings at hand
We could a E6/Bnever had it all
C#m6/A#We had to hit a wall
So Athis is ineA/G#vitableF#m withdrawal
Even if E6/BI stop wanting you
C#m6/A#A perspective pushes through
I'll Abe some next man'sA/G# other F#mwoman soon
I can not E6/Bplay myself again
I C#m6/A#should just be my own best friend
NotA myself A/G#in the head withF#m stupid men G#m
HeA walksF#m7 away G#m7
The sun C#mgoes down
A He takesF#m7 the dayG#m7 but I'm grown C#m
And in yourA way,F#m7 in this G#m7blue shade C#m
My F#tears dry on their Aown
So Bsus4we are history
Your shadow covers me
The sky above ablaze B/A
HeG#7 walks away
C#m The sun goes down
A He takes the day but I'm grown
And in yourBsus4 way, in this blue shade
My tears dry on their own
[Verse 3]
I E6/Bwish I could say no regrets
C#m6/A#And no emotional debts
Cause Aas we kiss goodA/G#bye the F#msun sets
So E6/Bwe are history
C#m6/A#The shadow covers me
The Asky above ablazeA/G# F#monly lovers G#msee
HeA walksF#m7 away G#m7
The sun C#mgoes down
A He takesF#m7 the dayG#m7 but I'm grown C#m
And in yourA way,F#m7 my G#m7blue shade C#m
My F#tears dry on their Aown
HeA walksF#m7 away G#m7
The sun C#mgoes down
A He takesF#m7 the dayG#m7 but I am C#mgrown
And in yourA way,F#m7 my G#m7deep shade C#m
My Atears dry F#m7on their G#m7own C#m
HeA walksF#m7 away G#m7
The sun C#mgoes down
A He takesF#m7 the dayG#m7 but I'm grown C#m
And in yourA way,F#m7 my G#m7deep shade C#m
MyA tears dry F#m7 G#m7 C#m