D G Bm A
[Verse 1]
A It's Ghard for me to say the things
I Dwant to say sometimes
There's Gno one here but you and me
And that Dbroken old street light
ALock the doors Bm
We'll Gleave the world outAside G
DAll I've got to Ggive to you
Are Athese five words tonight
Thank Dyou for loving Gme
For being my Aeyes
When DI couldn't see
For Aparting myBm lips A
When I couldn't breathe E A
Thank Dyou for GlovingA me
Thank Dyou for Gloving Ame
[Verse 2]
I Gnever knew I had a dream
UnDtil that dream was you
GWhen I look into your eyes
The Dsky's a different blue
ACross my Bmheart
GI wear no disAguise G
DIf I tried, you'd Gmake believe
That Ayou believed my lies
Thank Dyou for loving Gme
For being my Aeyes
When DI couldn't see
For Aparting myBm lips A
When I couldn't breathe E A
Thank Dyou for Gloving Ame
G You pick me up when I fall down
A You ring the bell before they count me out
Em If I was drowning you would Dpart the Gsea
C And risk your own life Dto rescue Eme A
D G A D Lock the doors Bm
We'll Gleave the world outAside
DAll I've got to Ggive to you
Are these Cfive words tonight A
Thank Dyou for loving Gme
For being my Aeyes
When DI couldn't see
For Aparting myBm lips A
When I couldn't breathe E A
Thank Dyou for loving Gme
For being my Aeyes
When DI couldn't see
For Aparting myBm lips A
When I couldn't breathe E A
Thank Dyou for Gloving Ame
Thank Dyou for GlovingA me
Thank Dyou for Gloving Ame
Oh, for loving Dme
G Bm A D
G Bm A D