Db Ab Gb Ab Db Ab Gb
Db Ab Gb
[Verse 1]
Its a Dbnew day
But it Aball feels old.
Its a Dbgood life
That's Gbwhat I'm told.
But Dbeverything
It Aball just feels the Gbsame
And my Dbhigh school: it felt Abmore to me
Like a Dbjail cell, a peniGbtentiary.
My Dbtime spent there
It onAbly made me Gbsee
That BbI don't ever want to beAb like you.
DbI don't want to do the things you do.
I'm Bbnever gonna hear the wordsAb you say
Cause DbI don't ever wanna.
I don't ever want to be.
DbYouAb Gb don't Abwant to be Dbjust like Abyou
Gb What I'm Asayin' isAb Dbthis is the Abanthem
ThrowGb all your Abhands up
DbYou.Ab Gb don't want to be Dbyou
[Verse 2]
Ab Gb Ab Go to Dbcollege, a uniAbversity
Get a Dbreal job, that's what they Absaid to me
But DbI could never Ablive the way they Gbwant
I'm gonna Dbget by and just Abdo my time
Out of Dbstep while they all Abget in line.
I'm Dbjust a minor threatAb so pay no Gbmind
BbDo you really want to beGb like them
DbDo you really want to be another trend
BbDo you want to be part ofGb that crowd.
Cause AbI don't ever wanna.
I don't ever want to be Dbyou
AbShakeGb it Abonce that's fine
DbShake it AbtwiceGb that's oAkay Shake it Ab
Dbthree time you're Abplayin' Gbwith yourself Abagain
DbYou Ab
Gb Don't want to beBb just like you Ab
This is theGb anthem throw allAb your hands up
Bb Now that youDb feel me, Absing if you're with me Db
Ab Db Gb Db
Ab Gb
Db Ab Gb Ab Db Ab Gb
DbYou,Ab Db don't Gbwant to be Dbjust like Abyou
Gb What I'm sayin' is
DbThis is the Abanthem throwGb all your Abhands up
DbNow that you Abfeel me, singGb if you're Abwith me
DbYou,Ab Gb don't Abwant to be Dbjust like Abyou
Gb DbThis is the Abanthem throwGb all your Abhands up
DbNow that you Abfeel me, singGb if you're Abwith me
DbAnother loser Abanthem Gb Ab
DbAnother loser Abanthem Gb Ab
DbAnother loser Abanthem Gb Ab
DbAnother loser Abanthem
Gb Ab Db