[Verse 1]
EmThe trees they grow high, Am
The leavesEm they do grow Ggreen
Bm Many is the time my Emtrue love I've seen
C Many an hourAm I've Emwatched him all alone G
He's Bmyoung,
But he's Amdaily growing Em
[Verse 2]
EmFather, dear Amfather,
You've Emdone me great Gwrong
Bm You've married me to a Emboy who is too young
C I'm twice Amtwelve and Emhe is but fourteen G
He's Bmyoung,
But he's Amdaily growing Em
[Verse 3]
EmDaughter, dear Amdaughter,
I've Emdone you no Gwrong
Bm I've married you to a Emgreat lord's son
C He'll make a Amlord for Emyou to wait upon G
He's Bmyoung,
But he's Amdaily growing Em
[Verse 4]
EmFather, dear Amfather, if Emyou see Gfit
We'll Bmsend him to college for Emone year yet
I'll Ctie blue Amribbons Emall around his head G
To Bmlet the maidens Amknow that he's marEmried
[Verse 5]
One Emday I was Amlooking o'er my Emfather's castle Gwall
I Bmspied all the boys as Emplaying with the ball
My Cown true Amlove was the Emflower of them all G
He's Bmyoung, but he's Amdaily growing Em
[Verse 6]
At the ageEm of fourteen,Am he Emwas a married Gman
At the Bmage of fifteen, the Emfather of a son
At the Cage of sixteen,Am his Emgrave it was green G
And Bmdeath had put an endAm to his growing Em