[Verse 1]
Just you know Gwhy Bm
C Why Dyou and I
Will bye and Gbye Em
Em Know A7true love Am7ways
D Sometimes we'llG sigh Bm
[Verse 2]
C SomeDtimes we'Gll cry Bm
C And Dwe'll know Gwhy just Emyou and Am7I know Cm/Dtrue love Gways C
G Throughout the Cmdays our Ftrue loveG ways
Will bring us Bbjoys to share with Dthose who A7/Greally Dcare
Sometimes we'llG sigh Bm
[Verse 3]
C SomeDtimes we'llG cry Bm
C And Dwe'll know Gwhy just Emyou and Am7I know Cm/Dtrue love Gways
Sometimes we'll Gsigh Bm
C SomeDtimes we'll Gcry Bm
C And Dwe'll know Gwhy just Emyou and Am7I know Cm/Dtrue love GwaC_yGs
Throughout the Cmdays our Ftrue loveG ways
Will bring us Bbjoys to share with Dthose who Amreally Dcare
Sometimes we'llG sigh Bm
[Verse 4]
C SomeDtimes we'llG cry Bm
C And Dwe'll know Gwhy just Emyou and Am7I know true Cm/Dlove Gways Em
Am7 True Cm/Dlove Gways