E F#m E F#m
[Verse 1]
EWho's to say
What's impossible
Well F#mthey forgot
This world keeps spinning
And with Eeach new day
I can feel a change in eF#mverything
And as the surface breaks refElections fade
But in some ways they remain F#mthe same
And as my mind begins to Espread it's wings
There's no stopping curiF#mosity
I want to turn the whole thing EupsideF#m down
A I'll find the Bthings they say just Ecan't beF#m found
A I'll share this Blove I find with EeveryF#mone
A We'll sing and Bdance to Mother ENature'sF#m songs
A I don't wantB this feeling to go aEway
F#m E F#m
[Verse 2]
EWho's to say
I can't do everything
Well F#mI can try
And as I roll along I beEgin to find
Things aren't always just F#mwhat they seem
I want to turn the whole thing EupsideF#m down
A I'll find the Bthings they say just Ecan't beF#m found
A I'll share this Blove I find with EeveryF#mone
A We'll sing and Bdance to Mother ENature'sF#m songs
A This world keepsB spinning and there's G#mno time to F#mwaste
Well it G#mall keeps Aspinning spinningB round and round and
EUpsideF#m down
A Who's to say Bwhat's impossible and Ecan't beF#m found
A I don't wantB this feeling to go away
E F#m Please don't go away E
F#m Please don't go away E
F#m Please don't go away E
F#m Is Athis how it'sF#m supposed to Ebe
Is this how it's supposed to F#mbe A E