[Verse 1]
D You were the Word at the beginning
One With GGod the BmLord Most AHigh
Bm Your hidden glory inA/C# creaDtion
Now reGvealed in BmYou our AChrist
What a beautiful Name it is D
What a beautiful Name it is A
The Name of JeBmsus ChristA my King G
What a beautiful Name it is D/F#
Nothing compares to this A
What a beautiful Name it isBm The Name A
of JeGsus
[Verse 2]
D You didn't want heaven without us
So Jesus, GYou brought Bmheaven Adown
Bm My sin was great, Your loveA/C# was greaDter
What could GsepaBmrate us Anow
What a wonderful Name it is D
What a wonderful Name it is A
The Name of JeBmsus ChristA my King G
What a wonderful Name it is D/F#
Nothing compares to this A
What a wonderful Name it isBm The Name A
of JeGsus
G A Bm F#m Death could not hoGld You, the veil tore befoAre You
You silenced the boBmast, of sin and graF#mve
The heavens are roaGring, the praise of Your gloAry
For You are raisBmed to life again A
You have F#mno riGval, You have no eAqual
Now and foreBmver, God You reign F#m
Yours is the KingGdom, Yours is the gloAry
Yours is the NaBmme, above all names A
What a powerful Name it is D
What a powerful Name it is A
The Name of JeBmsus ChristA my King G
What a powerful Name it is D/F#
Nothing can stand agaAinst
What a powerful Name it isBm The Name A
of JeGsus
What a powerful Name it isBm The Name A
of JeGsus
What a powerful Name it isBm The Name A
of JeGsus