B D#m C# G#m D#m C# B D#m
C# G#m
[Verse 1]
D#m C# ToD#mday I walked down C#our old street
Past the diner where we'd meet
BNow I dine aG#mlone in our old D#mseats C#
The D#mcold wind blows right C#through my bones And I feel like I'm getting old
But BI wish I was G#mgetting old with D#myou C#
I Bheld your hand when D#mwe took shelter from the raBin
She laughed D#mas we picked out our children's Bnames
White G#msparrows D#mfell from heaven and C#carried her away
B Black G#marrows D#mcut the strings of my C#heart, I kneel and pray
B D#m C# G#m D#m C# Her clothes hang in the closet still
[Verse 2]
The phone sits on the windowsill
And Bevery time it G#mrings it gives me D#mchills C#
My heart just stopped when I was told
Doctor, doctor, on the phone
BSaid my love was G#mnever coming D#mhome C#
I Bhold your casket D#mgently walking to the Bgrave
Dark clouds ecD#mlipse the sun won't shine aBgain
White G#msparrows D#mfell from heaven and C#carried her away
B Black G#marrows D#mcut the strings of my C#heart, I kneel and pray
B They gave her G#mone more day
To D#msay the words I C#couldn't say
I'm [Eadd9]crying in pain, G#mcrying in pain
D#m C# B G#m D#m C# And I'm not looking for answers
No, I'm not looking for answers
But Bdear God, G#mwhy did D#myou choose her?
BWhite sparG#mrows fell D#mfrom heaven and carC#ried her away
BBlack arG#mrows cut D#mthe strings of my heart, C#I kneel and pray
B They gave her G#mone more day
To D#msay the words I C#couldn't say
I'm [Eadd9]crying in pain
G#mCrying in pain
Our [Eadd9]love will remain
I'm G#mcrying in pain D#m